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[编辑] 公司介绍

Fuchu Shiko Machinery(Shanghai)Co., Ltd, founded in 2005, is a branch of Fuchu Shiko Co., Ltd., Japan, and focuses on the assembly and after-sales service of the Fully and Semi-Automatic Rigid Box Making Machines. The headquarters in Japan, was founded in 1960, and has been specializing in researching the rigid-box maker for half a century. It is one of the world's top makers of the rigid-box, with the TKZM-A600A fully-automatic line, using Baron T 100, (an new type glue).Fuchu Shiko refreshes the history of auto rigid-box making machinery. At present, Fuchu Shiko's share in Asian businesses has reached 70%, among the top user market, and the stock share has reached 90%.In 2008, Fuchu Shiko established its exhibition hall of about 9, 000 square meters in Shanghai. Currently the exhibition hall is in use for showing our machines, and it will also be used as the training center for clients who purchase our machines. Our packaging department uses the exhibition hall for accepting orders for rigid boxes for our customers in China and abroad.
Fuchu Shiko Co., Ltd. Also takes part in many exhibitions to display its excellent machine and its process of making boxes. Currently, Fuchu Shiko is doing more to satisfy its clients and is progressing to a new level of excellence.

[编辑] 详细信息

主营产品或服务: 礼品盒;化妆品盒;首饰盒;月饼盒;衬衫盒;电子产品包装盒;礼盒;纸盒;珠宝盒;内衣盒;领带盒;巧克力盒; 主营行业: 化妆品包装 茶叶包装 月饼包装 服饰包装 礼品盒 首饰包装
企业类型: 外资企业 经营模式: 生产加工
注册资本: 美元 70 万 公司注册地: 中国 上海
员工人数: 51 - 100 人 公司成立时间: 2005 年
法定代表人/负责人: 三宅阳一郎 主要客户:
年营业额: 主要经营地点: 上海松江区久富经济开发区康鸣路189号
主要市场: 大陆 港澳台地区 日本 北美 经营品牌:


公司主页 http://www.fuchushiko.net.cn


[编辑] 联系方式


电话:0591-87110055-818 传真:0591-83302880

移动电话:15980211919 客服电话:4000-186-187

QQ: 673410766 Emall: ytmaksim@sina.com


[编辑] 工商注册信息

公司名称: 府中纸工机械(上海)有限公司
注 册 号: 企独沪总字第038786号
注册地址: 中国上海松江区中山街道茸兴路368号8号厂房
法定代表人: 三宅阳一郎
注册资本: 美元70万元
企业类型: 外资企业
成立日期: 2005年07月04日
营业期限: 2005-07-04 至 2035-07-03
经营范围: 生产、加工各类纸制品加工机械、纸制品及相关产品,销售公司自产产品(涉及行政许可的,凭许可证经营)。
登记机关: 上海市工商行政管理局
年检时间: 2010年(最近)

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