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在15:41 2010年11月20日由Foodbk (Talk | 贡献)所做的修订版本
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Guangrao Liuhe Chemicals Ltd. is one company specialized in manufacturing and selling guar gum. There is separate importing and exporting department which is in charge of business with foreign clients.
LIUHE insists technology should be emphasized from beginning to the end. The company continues to adjust product structure to market demands depending on technology progress and analysis of market trends, so that we are very sure to supply very good and stable quality to all clients.
The company always keeps very good and long and stable cooperation relationship with India and Pakistan suppliers. Now it becomes one of the biggest domestic companies of importing guar gum. After so many years of developing markets, our products are authorized by so many consumers. We keep very long and stable cooperation relationship with so many companies and dealers. At present, the products and services of company are involved food additives, textile printing thickener, oil field agents, materials of construction and animal food etc..
Guangrao Liuhe Chemicals Ltd. which abiding by belief scrupulously is like to become good friends and community of benefits with every one client on the basis of “mutual benefit and developing together”, at the same time, face new chance and challenge of economy times.


主营产品或服务: 瓜尔豆片;食品级瓜尔胶粉;羟丙基瓜尔胶粉;瓜尔豆粕;罗望子胶; 主营行业: 食品添加剂
企业类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 经营模式: 经销批发
注册资本: 人民币 255 万 公司注册地: 中国 山东 东营 广饶经济开发区广瑞路东首(石村)
员工人数: 公司成立时间: 2006 年
法定代表人/负责人: 任秋英 主要客户:
年营业额: 主要经营地点: 山东青岛
主要市场: 大陆 经营品牌:
管理体系认证: ISO 9000


公司名称: 广饶六合化工有限公司
注 册 号: 370523228014025
注册地址: 中国山东东营广饶经济开发区广瑞路东首(石村)
法定代表人: 任秋英
注册资本: 人民币255万元
企业类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
成立日期: 2006年12月06日
营业期限: 2006-12-06 至 2016-12-05
经营范围: 生产销售:工业用羟丙基瓜尔胶、工业用瓜尔胶、油田助剂、食品添加剂瓜尔胶(有效期截止2011年8月22);经核准的自营进出口业务。(国家限制和禁止的除外;涉及需经法律法规审批的凭许可证经营)
登记机关: 广饶县工商行政管理局
年检时间: 2009年(最近)



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