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[编辑] 公司介绍

惠州一帆科技有限公司 位于广东 惠州市惠城区,公司成立于2006年6月,公司拥有一批专业开发、设计、制造、管理资深人士,专业从事不锈钢厨具和相关的配套产品研发,是厨房设备系列产品和相关配套产品专业化程度较高的供应商之一。
   Yifan Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Huizhou, Huizhou city, Guangdong, the company was founded in June 2006, the company has a number of professional development, design, manufacture and management veteran, professional stainless steel kitchenware and related supporting product development, is the kitchen equipment series of specialized products and related products with higher levels of suppliers.
   After several years of trials and hardships, from small to large, from weak to strong, Yifan company does not meet unexpectedly and customer support efforts, in September 2008 the company entered Guangxi strong market and set up branch offices in Guangxi Beihai City, in 2009 June into Nanning, Liuzhou market, which products cover the whole of Guangxi and Guangdong. Have so far been formed to serve as the center, in order to protect the interests of consumers, based on the absolute low cost advantage, as each and every customer good procurement platform to provide easy.
    Manufacture and sell all kinds of stainless steel kitchenware, tableware, hotel kitchen supplies, disinfecting cabinets, food machinery, kitchen accessory products to the advantage of inexpensive unique in the industry, well received by clients of one to welcome and trust. Welcome calls, letters or in person to discuss purchasing company, for a better future.

[编辑] 详细信息

主营产品或服务: 厨具;厨房设备;不锈钢厨房设备;冷库/冰箱/雪柜;高效节能炉; 主营行业: 炊事设备 其他厨具 抽油烟机 炒锅 水槽、洗涤槽 酒店设备
企业类型: 有限责任公司 经营模式: 生产加工
注册资本: 人民币 30 万 公司注册地: 中国 广东 惠州
员工人数: 公司成立时间: 2006 年
法定代表人/负责人: 韦荣利 主要客户: 酒店、工厂、学校等企事业单位
年营业额: 主要经营地点: 广东惠州市/广西北海市/南宁市/柳州市
主要市场: 大陆 经营品牌:

[编辑] 联系方式


电话:0591-87110055-818 传真:0591-83302880

移动电话:15980211919 客服电话:4000-186-187

QQ: 673410766 Emall: ytmaksim@sina.com


[编辑] 工商注册信息

公司名称: 惠州一帆科技有限公司
注 册 号: 4413022200847
注册地址: 中国广东惠州小金口镇乌石区骆屋村路口245号
法定代表人: 韦荣利
注册资本: 人民币30万元
企业类型: 有限责任公司
成立日期: 2006年11月22日
营业期限: 2006-11-22 至 2036-11-22
经营范围: 生产、销售:电子、五金、玻璃钢制品、厨具。
登记机关: 惠州市惠城区工商行政管理局
年检时间: 2010年(最近)

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