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[编辑] 公司介绍


Guangzhou Baiyun Languan Food Factory was established in 1987. In these twenty years, it went through a time of change and technology development.

Be adjacent to Baiyun Mountain Forest Park, back on the Liuxi River, the natural environment is pregnant with a management philosophy about "quality first, active innovation", and guide the Languan crew to pull together. To satisfy your constantly improving needs about delicacy, Languan has been in pursuit of  excellent quality to make high-quality foodstuff.
Equally emphasis on the pursuit of quality and taste, excellent quality roots from the first-rank materials. We choicely selected materials with a wealth of experiences, to adopt modern manufacturing technology and packaging equipment, and to coordinate with precise quality monitoring system. We strived to make all the food come up to high quality standard.

After years of development, the Languan has built up a distinctive brand image, and was popular with the support of clients. At present, we are committed to open up a much expansive market, so that food-loving people could enjoy our food. Like the crown logo, our Languan symbolizes the food quality and the pursuit of delicious. We will take the accumulation of food manufacturing experience, to persist the capital of quality and provide a wealth of delicious products.

[编辑] 详细信息

主营产品或服务: 饼干;糕点;曲奇;蛋卷;酥类食品;米饼;桃酥;月饼;杏仁饼;绿豆饼;花生糊;芝麻糊;中式糕点;西式糕点;蛋糕;面包; 主营行业: 饼干糕点
企业类型: 集体企业 经营模式: 生产加工
注册资本: 人民币 10 万 公司注册地: 中国 广东 广州 白云区石井街龙湖西街25号
员工人数: 51 - 100 人 公司成立时间: 1987 年
法定代表人/负责人: 孔宪华 主要客户:
年营业额: 主要经营地点: 白云区石井龙湖西25号
主要市场: 大陆 港澳台地区 经营品牌:


公司主页 http://www.lg-foods.cn

[编辑] 联系方式


电话:0591-87110055-818 传真:0591-83302880

移动电话:15980211919 客服电话:4000-186-187

QQ: 673410766 Emall: ytmaksim@sina.com


[编辑] 工商注册信息

公司名称: 广州白云蓝冠食品厂
注 册 号: 4401111302523
注册地址: 中国广东广州白云区石井街龙湖西街25号
法定代表人: 孔宪华
注册资本: 人民币10万元
企业类型: 集体企业
成立日期: 1987年07月02日
营业期限: 1987-07-02 至 长期
经营范围: 糕点加工、销售(中式糕点、饼干、即食芝麻糊、花生糊)(食品卫生许可证有效期至2011年5月9日)。【国家法律、法规禁止的,不得经营;应经专项审批的,未获得审批前不得经营】
登记机关: 广州市工商行政管理局白云分局
年检时间: 2010年(最近)

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