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联系方式: 电 话: 62737434 E_mail: gzhao318@ yahoo.com.cn

   赵广华, Zhao Guanghua, 男,1969.4,副教授。

   山西大学学士(1988.9-1992.7)    山西大学分子所硕士(1992.9-1995.7)    南开大学博士(1995.9-1998.7)    美国新罕布什耳大学博士后((2000.1-2002.7)

PhD, Nankai University (1995.9-1998.7)

Post-Doctor, University of New Hampshire, USA (2000.1-2002.7)


Research Interests: Plant Secondary Metabolite, Mechanism of Enzymatic Catalysis,Bioinorganic Chemistry

Recent Publications:

1. Guanghua Zhao, Fadi Bou-Abdallah, Paolo Arosio, Sonia Levi, Christine Janus-Chandler, N. Dennis Chasteen, Multiple Pathways for Mineral Core Formation in Mammalian Apoferritin. The Role of Hydrogen Peroxide. Biochemistry, 2003, 42(10), 3142-3150. 2. Jaeho Lee, N. Dennis Chasteen, Guanghua Zhao, Georgia C. Papaefthymiou and Sergiu M. Gorun, Deuterium Structural Effects in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Aggregates, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124(12), 3042-3049. 3. Guanghua Zhao, Pierpaolo Ceci, Andrea Ilari, Laura Giangiacomo, Thomas M. Laue, Emilia Chiancone and N. Dennis Chasteen, Iron and Hydrogen Peroxide Detoxification Properties of Dps. A Ferritin-Like DNA Binding Protein of Escherichia coil., J. Biol. Chem., 2002, 277, 27689-27696. 4. Guanghua Zhao, Fadi Bou-Abdallah, Xiaoke Yang, Paolo Arosio, N. Dennis Chasteen, Is Hydrogen Peroxide Produced during Iron(II) Oxidation in Mammalian Apoferritins? Biochemistry, 2001, 40(36), 10832-10838.



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