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[中文]: 对硫磷

[英文]: prarathion;thiophos

[说明]: 又称一六○五或E-605。学名硫代磷酸O,O-二乙基-O-对硝基苯基酯。一种有机磷杀虫剂。纯品是无色无臭液体。相对密度1.265(25℃)。熔点5.9~6.1℃。沸点157~162℃(80帕,0.6毫米汞柱)。折射率1.5370(25℃)。工业品是淡黄色至深棕色油状液体。常具有大蒜臭。难溶于水和石油。溶于动植物油、苯、丙酮、氯仿、乙醇等。在中性或酸性溶液中稳定。在碱性溶液中易分解。对光及空气稳定。但高温时发生异构化,以致失效。用于防治棉蚜虫、棉红蜘蛛、稻螟虫、蝽象、介壳虫、蝗虫、叶跳虫、菜青虫、象鼻虫等。杀虫力强,对植物安全,但对人畜有剧毒,使用时需注意安全!一般加工成乳剂或粉剂使用。由二乙基硫代磷酰氯和对硝基酚在硫酸铜存在下缩合而制得。


CAS编码: 56-38-2

Development Codes: ACC

IUPAC名称: O,O-diethyl O-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate

英文通用名称: Parathion

中文通用名称: 对硫磷

英文商品名称: Parathion-ethyl;Thiophos;Ethyl parathion; S.N.P.; ACC 3422[氰胺]; Alleron[拜耳]; Aphamite; Bladan; E-605[拜耳]; Folidol[拜耳]; Fosferno[ICI]; Niran[孟山都]; Parathion-ethyl; ethyl parathion;thiophos [原苏联]

中文商品名称: 福利多;1605;巴拉松[台]; 一六O五; 乙基对硫磷; 乙基1605

英文化学名称: O,O-diethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate

中文化学名称: O,O-二乙基-O-(对硝基苯基)-硫代磷酸酯


分子式: C10H14NO5PS


分子量: 291.3

性状描述: 浅黄色,有苯酚气味的液体,熔点6.1℃,沸点150℃/80Pa,蒸气压 0.89mPa(20℃),密度1.2694, Kow=3.83,溶解度水中11mg/L(20℃),与许多有 机溶剂混溶,如二氯甲烷>200,异丙醇、甲苯、己烷50-100(g/L,20℃),酸 性介质中(pH1-6)水解缓慢,碱性介质中水解迅速,加热超过130℃,发生异 构化。Composition:Tech. grade is 96-98%.Form:Pale yellow liquid with a phenol-like odour. M.p.: 6.1 ℃ B.p.: 150 ℃/80 Pa V.p.: 0.89 mPa (20 ℃) Henry: 0.0302 Pa m3 mol-1S.g./density: 1.2694 Solubility: In water 11 mg/l (20 ℃). Completely miscible with most organic solvents, e.g. dichloromethane >200, isopropanol, toluene, hexane 50-100 (all in g/l, 20 ℃).Stability: Hydrolysed very slowly in acidic media (pH 1-6), more rapidly in alkaline media; DT50 (22 ℃) 272 d (pH 4), 260 d (pH 7), 130 d (pH 9). Isomerises on heating above 130 ℃, to the O,S-diethyl isomer. F.p.: 174 ℃ (tech.)


LD50/LC50: 急性经口:13mg/kg;急性经皮:50mg/kg。Oral: Acute oral LD50 for rats c. 2, mice c. 12, guinea pigs c. 10 mg/kg.Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50: for male rats 71, female rats 76 mg/kg. Not irritating to skin and eyes (rabbits). Not a skin sensitiser. Inhalation: (4 h) for male and female rats 0.03 mg/l (aerosol).Birds: Fish: LC50 (96 h) for rainbow trout 1.5, golden orfe 0.58 mg/l.Bees: Toxic to bees.Daphnia: LC50 (48 h) 0.0025 mg/l.Algae: ErC50 for Scenedesmus subspicatus 0.5 mg/l.Worms: LC50 for Eisenia foetida 267 mg/kg dry soil.Other aquatic spp.:

NOEL: (2 y) for rats 2 mg/kg diet; (18 mo) for mice <60 mg/kg diet; (12 mo) for dogs <0.01 mg/kg b.w. daily.



ADI: (JMPR) 0.004 mg/kg b.w. [1995].

BMD: �



RfD: �

MTD: �

Acute RfD: �

是否致癌物: ×

是否基因致癌物: ×

其他毒理学性质: 高毒。Toxicity class EPA(formulation): I


类别: 杀虫剂


作用: Biochemistry: Cholinesterase inhibitor; proinsecticide, activated by metabolic oxidative desulfuration to the corresponding oxon. Mode of action: Non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact, stomach, and some respiratory action. Uses: Control of sucking and chewing insects (including soil insects) and mites, in a very wide range of crops, such as cereals, fruit (including citrus), vines, hops, vegetables, ornamentals, cotton, and field crops. Phytotoxicity: Non-phytotoxic, except to some ornamentals, cucurbits, sorghum, and some varieties of apple, pear, and tomato. Compatibility: Incompatible with alkaline materials.

作用特点: 是一种广谱性杀虫、杀螨剂,对害虫具有强烈的触杀和胃毒作用,为胆碱酯 酶抑制剂。在密闭场所也有一定的熏蒸作用,尤其在30℃以上时,熏蒸作用 更加明显,对硫磷的杀虫效果与气温有密切关系,在18℃以上时,熏蒸作用 更加明显。在18℃以下效果较差。在18℃以上杀虫效果随温度提高而增加, 但药效期相应缩短。对硫磷无内吸杀虫作用,但有较强的渗透力,施于植物 叶表面的药液能渗透进入叶内,杀死在叶背取食的蚜、叶蝉和螨。施于稻田 水中的药剂,能渗透进入叶鞘内或水稻心叶部位,杀死已侵入叶鞘或心叶部 位的螟虫一龄幼虫。在叶上的残效期一般为4-5天。


国内登记或注册: √

国内生产: √

国外进口: ×


国外应用情况: 禁用情况:匈牙利,苏联,印度,日本(71年),挪威(82年),菲律宾,土耳其(75年) 限用情况:丹麦(需特批),芬兰(83年,用粉剂),美国(持许可证出售),以色列(71 年,持许可证购售),新西兰(83年,工业用),瑞典(62年,供销用需许 可证),美国(91年,限用在9种作物上),


代谢情况: Animals: In rats, following oral administration, 4-nitrophenol and paraoxon were the principal metabolites excreted (M. P. Carver, Pestic. Biochem. Physiol., 1990, 38, 254; L. G. Sultatos & C. L. Gagliardi, Biochem. Pharmacol., 1990, 39, 799; R. G. Hall, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 1990, 44, 629). Plants: The major metabolites are paraoxon, diethylphosphate, 4-nitrophenol and photometabolites S-ethyl parathion and S-phenyl parathion. Soil/environment: Based on Koc values and leaching studies, parathion can be classified as a compound with low mobility. In biologically-active soils, parathion is rapidly degraded under laboratory conditions as well as in the field. The degradation results in CO2 via very short-lived intermediate products such as paraoxon, aminoparathion and 4-nitrophenol.

检测方法1:出口水果和蔬菜中22种有机磷农药多残留量检验方法(SN 0334-95)



日本肯定列表产品名称: 松茸,大米,鸡肉,猪肉,牛肉,大蒜,洋葱,苹果,板栗,桃,大葱,甘蓝,胡萝卜,番茄,草莓,芦笋,其他,大豆,蘑菇,玉米,花生,茶叶,


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